Athens, Greece

Ministry in Athens serving and sharing at a center for helping refugees and teaching them the
truth about Jesus Christ.


We lived in Athens, Greece for part of the year in 2018. To share meals and stories with refugees. To simply befriend people broken and confused by the circumstances of their lives. To offer hope and a warm welcome from the war-ridden countries they have fled.
We went AGAIN to Athens (fall 2019) serving, feeding, and loving refugees in the name of Jesus Christ.

We need your prayers and if you feel led to give to this ministry visit the GIVE page!

The video below shows some of our ministry in Athens. (2018)

Reaching refugees

Athens, Greece
Click to watch where, why and how we Go..

How Do We Go to The World?

We are supported by the gifts of friends, family and sometimes strangers! The Lord provides for our needs in this life of faith, speaking to hearts, nudging those of you who have given, even sacrificially! We are all called to sacrifice in this life, and thats what it will take to obey the Great Commission! Support takes sacrifice on all parts, but when you get to see the reward along the way, it doesnt feel like we have given up that much! God bless you in your sacrifice and obedience to His word!

We would love to invite you to participate in this faith-journey with us! Visit the Give page for details on how you can get involved!

Jesus said that the harvest is plenty but the laborers are few. So, pray that the Lord of the harvest would send more to labor in those fields! (from Luke 10:2)
We have said YES to the command to..
GO - into all the world and preach the gospel! (Mark 16:15
We know not everyone can GO for whatever reason, but maybe you can help SEND! When we partner together to spread the gospel, we are working as the body of Christ! The nations are hungry to know Christ, but need the opportunity to hear the good news! How shall they hear unless someone tells them? 
From Romans 10:14-15...How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard?
And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?
15And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?
As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"


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