
Whatever you do, do it heartily unto the Lord and not unto men. Colosians 3:23


Ministry in Berlin, Germany


Refugee ministry with kids


Building projects in refugee camps


Our YWAM Outreaches...

...took us to Israel and Germany

Berlin, Germany is where we landed for the second half of our outreach with YWAM. This is the second phase of our DTS (Discipleship Training School).
We were able to serve in several refugee camps in Berlin. We crammed a lot of work into one month, with landscaping and cleaning, home visits, bringing joy by playing soccer, face paints and balloon animals with the children. Jesus was present with us as we showed His love and servants hearts to the war-torn families there.
As a family...
we are Going! God needs people to be His hands and His feet and His voice to take His love to all the world.

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